Thump, Thump, Thump

That’s the beat hammering out in my sinuses right now. Having had little sleep last night thanks to the sinus infection that’s taken over where the cold left off, I’m exhausted. I went to sleep with high hopes – I’d had a good day, little coughing, much healing. Then I made the mistake of lying down. Maybe tonight will be better.

The good news is January is poised to be a pretty terrific month. I’ve done little marketing because for some reason, the work is finding me instead of the other way around. I woke up yesterday morning and the weight that had been sitting on top of me was gone. The projects that used to suck up most of my morning are now history. Back when those projects were more lucrative, I didn’t mind. But when the gig that used to deliver $2-4K a month turned into one in which I did what felt like more work for $1K a month, it had to go. Now I am blessed with time in the morning, my most productive time. So yesterday, I finished a small project and started in on two others.

Two queries went out in response to invitations to do so. I’m seeing social networking really paying off lately, and it’s surprising me. I’m not the hard-sell kind of girl, so the fact that people read my blog posts or my tweets and remember little tidbits, again, surprises me. In fact, most of my newer work has come from Twitter or connections to others’ blogs. That’s sold me.

I have some invoices about to be paid. Good news since the youngest called from college with her hand out. The feedback for newer projects is finally rolling in, amen. I worry until I hear their honest appraisals, good or bad. I can’t fix it if I’m not told about it. I had one editor write and tell me her needs for the next month, spell out her approach to articles, then added these delicious words: “The article you just completed is a good representation of this mission.” Amen! I hit the nail on the head first time. With new-to-you magazines, you never know.

I will say the recession mentality seems to be shed and clients are starting to spend. Maybe it’s the new-year budgets or maybe it’s the feeling that holding off on marketing and writing is going to leave permanent scars. Either way, I’m looking forward to the next few months if January’s this busy.

How is your January?

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11 Thoughts to “Thump, Thump, Thump”

  1. Not as lucrative as I'd like, due to the web host problems that have to get solved before I can do anything else.

    Fiction-wise, it's going well. Most of this month's work is long-term projects that won't pay off immediately, but will have solid, continuing returns down the road, which is just fine with me.

  2. This year is starting off far better than '09. My first quarter last year was abysmal. Now I'm fully booked until the 3rd week in March, and it will be a record-breaking quarter for me. I'm hoping it lasts all year long!

  3. Oh, Lori, on the sinus infection … have you tried using a neti pot? Weird at first, but definitely worth it.

  4. Eileen, I do a version of that, yes. It's something we've done since we were kids. It does help. Thanks. 🙂 Fantastic news on your workload! I've got a lot going through March, but I'm always looking for more.

    Devon, it's criminal what that ISP is doing to your earning potential. I'm not sure any other ISP would operate any differently, either. I see the bare minimum from nearly all service people. Yesterday's Verizon upgrade to our Tivo/TV went great – except now we don't have On Demand, no access to it, no remote, no clue. We're also missing other services. And no papers, explanation, nada. Typical for Verizon.

  5. Paula

    On January 4, I was greeted with e-mails from two editors promising new assignments, and both have come through. They're small assignments, but one is from a website that hasn't assigned much in a few months. Another friend writes for them, too, and she got a new assignment too. So the theory on new year/new budget seems on track.

    I've completed a good deal of work, and have three active assignments, with inklings of more. And my first knitting blog post is up today – only one every week or so is required, enough to help get my name out to knitting publications.

    On the downside, those three tardy payments are still not here. One was supposed to be sent out late last week, so I'm hoping today's mail will bring several long-awaited checks.

  6. Lean on 'em, Paula. If you've sent invoices at regular intervals, time to whip out the "Please pay upon receipt to avoid litigation/collection." Bold it and smile as you send it. Works like a charm.

  7. My January is actually off to a great start. My behind-on-payment client finally got caught up so I'm able to proceed (with caution) on monthly work for them. Plus, I secured a math writing job that will pay (if all goes according to contract) three times or more what I usually make for the same type of work. And I secured it through Craigslist no less. Although they're few and far between, such assignments are why I haven't entirely given up on job boards.

    I'm happy to hear so many other writers are having a profitable start to 2010. Let's hope the trend continues throughout the year.

  8. Paula

    Well, I got two checks today. And they were the most recently invoiced. One was the one mentioned above, that was supposed to have been sent last week. It was!

    The other two are still late. One is for a place that *says* they pay within 30 days of publication (I hate pay on pubs, but there still are a few out there), but admit it's usually more like 45 days. Add in time for the mail, and there better be a check this week.

    The other is stalled because it's a quarterly magazine (another pay on pub) that bumped my article from Winter to Summer…. I have sent casual reminders. It doesn't seem fair that my payment is taking so long because the article was bumped due to their award-winning photographer's schedule. They will get another notice.

  9. Feel better…I myself am dealing with a lingering cough from the sinus infection I battled last week. Tis the season, I guess.

  10. Same reason I'll occasionally scour Craig's List, Kathy – there may be something useful there. Glad your January's starting out like mine.

    Paula, I'd talk via phone to your editor at that quarterly. Just ask since it's been bumped and could be eons before you see the check if they could make an exception and send it now. It doesn't hurt to ask. As you said, it doesn't seem fair to have to wait because of someone else's schedule.

    Amie, I hope you're feeling better, too. I just discovered MAXIMUM-strength Mucines with a cough suppressant. I slept like a baby last night! And I've started the nasal irrigation again – this time with a little salt in the water to dry things up.

  11. That would be "Mucinex." Obviously, I've been hitting the hot toddies again. 😉

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